Freitag, 18. Januar 2008


Ich hatte vergessen, dass Liebe sooooo weh tun kann............... :(

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17 Kommentare:

Ilona hat gesagt…

hmm... ordi.. krasse situation... ja, liebe kann verdammt weh tun... aber oft sind wir uns nicht wirklich darüber im klaren, was genau uns denn grad so weh tut... ist es wirklich liebe - mir tut weh, dass mein partner etwas tut, was nicht gut für ihn/sie ist - oder der verletzte stolz, weil mein partner mir etwas 'angetan' hat, womit ich von vorherein nicht einverstanden war...?
ich wünsche Dir, dass Du Dir da ganz klar werden kannst über Deine eigenen Gefühle, Frieden finden kannst mit Dir selbst und Deine Hübsche auch mit ihren Eigenarten und vllt sogar a little sense of stubborness annehmen und lieben kannst...
Be blessed!!

ordi hat gesagt…

a "little" ?? :P

es ist eine kombination aus mehreren faktoren.. der größte ist jedoch, dass diese eigenart meinen zukünftigen dienst gefährden kann - SEHR sogar. und wenn ich zwischen ihr und Gott wählen muss, dann gibt es da kein zögern.. :((

ich fände es nur ätzend, wenn ich wählen müsste! denn wenn Gott ruft, wer bin ich, dass ich Ihm nicht folge? ich folge ihm, EGAL WAS. Ihm gebührt meine erste Liebe, meine erste Priorität, und der Thron meines Lebens..

klar sind auch verletzte gefühle dabei, weil es ihr scheinbar egal schien, dass es mich verletzen würde - und sie es dennoch tat.. und angekündigt hat es jetzt direkt wieder zu tun...

der größte schmerz ist, wenn man feststellt, dass eine person Gottes Weg verfolgt, während die andere ihre eigenen träume verfolgt.. diese zwei wege sind so gut wie nie in der selben richtung! :( wenn sich das nicht ändert, wird es übel enden! :(((

Ilona hat gesagt…

hmm... da hast Du definitiv recht... tut weh sowas mitanzusehen... Hoffe wirklich, dass Du NIE wählen müssen wirst!!!
wie wahr, dass diese beiden Wege seltenst in die gleiche Richtung gehen - und wie ätzend, dass ihr ne Fernbeziehung habt, denn das macht das alles sicherlich nicht einfacher...
I'll pray for you!! Vllt braucht das alles einfach nur etwas Zeit...

© T u u l i V a h t r a 2 0 0 5 hat gesagt…

i wish i could understand what you wrote about me here.and about US.

i think i understood something..following God and following your own dreams...

okay...are you saying that im not following God by doing what I do?

I didnt even do anything wrong!

I understand the fact that you got hurt, honey...AND I AM SORRY ABOUT THAT! VERY SORRY!

But..I dont think you understand me .

I guess its not something we should discuss that topic here where the whole world can see it.

But probably when you talk about me in your blog, then the "readers" get only one side of the story. Your opinion. Not mine..

Probably mine doesnt even matter.

© T u u l i V a h t r a 2 0 0 5 hat gesagt…

----wenn sich das nicht ändert, wird es übel enden! :(((---

Ordi. does it says that if i dont change then it will end up nasty???????????

i dont know if i understood that sentence right because my german aint that good.....but did you really say that????

ordi hat gesagt…

hey tuuli!
it's not about what you do, it's about the principle behind that: who's path are you on? are you doing what you want or asking about what God wants? i'm not talking about sin, but i'm talking about which leader we follow. you follow your own heart in all things, it seems...

but you are right - this is not the place to discuss these things. that's why my blog post was NOT talking about any of this stuff in the first place! :P

last but not least: that sentence meant something else. it means "if we dont start walking into the same direction, we will be in an even bigger mess" - right now I have the impression that you walk into the direction YOU choose, while i try to follow wherever God leads.. but that does not seem to be your direction at all :(

again, this is NOT the place to talk about stuff like that! :( i'm sorry...

. hat gesagt…

...hey ordi... wenn ich Tuulis Kommentare lese, denk ich du hast sie hier auch ziemlich verletzt...

© T u u l i V a h t r a 2 0 0 5 hat gesagt…

i got a fuckin piercing and a tattoo! sorry for the swearing direction and Gods direction?!?!

getting a piercing doesnt mean in walking away from GOD!!!



God is still in my life! Cant you even remember where I come from and how did I even end up in France? Wasnt it God who brought me here? I didnt even want to come here! Doesnt that mean I followed God?

How can you say that I dont follow God and I follow my own heart?!

What is wrong with making your dreams come true!! :(

I didnt SIN...

dont you think its possible to follow God and also make your dreams come true?!

I dont think this all thing has anything to do with God at all..

I think its a personal thing between you and me.

ordi hat gesagt…

again: it's NOT a sin, no. this is not the issue here. and YES, it IS a personal thing and should NOT be discussed on this blog, I agree!

as I told you in the chat: if you follow your own dreams, that's not the problem itself. it becomes a problem if those dreams interfere with God's guidance. in that case, you have to choose what you will do. if you choose your own way over God's way, it's the wrong way.

it doesnt mean you lose your salvation or that you're no longer a christian, or any of that! no! it simply means that you're not going where God is guiding.. and that is a big bummer of a problem, if we want to walk on a joined journey!! :(

© T u u l i V a h t r a 2 0 0 5 hat gesagt…

i am not going where God is guiding YOU.......

who knows where God is guiding me?!

ordi hat gesagt…

mind the last thing i said: "if we want to walk on a joined journey" ... if you absolutely do NOT want to go where God is guiding me, that means you don't seem to think that God is guiding "us" into the same direction.. that sucks.. because that means we can't be together :( if God is guiding you somewhere else, TELL ME! in that case I have no right to be in your way! and I have no right to be your partner and boyfriend, either... :( that would make me the "wrong one"

Regy hat gesagt…

You both should stop writing these personal things on a blog - where so many people read these things... Why don't you guys talk about this stuff on the phone, for example?

Ordi, du weißt doch, dass so viele Leute das hier alles lesen und das hier geht niemanden etwas an, nur euch beide!

Ilona hat gesagt…

guys, sorry to interfere, dont wanna be rude, BUT i seriously think thats something u should discuss in private...
all ur doing right now is pissing each other off - and that leads to no good...

still, there is lots of people out here praying for you!!

© T u u l i V a h t r a 2 0 0 5 hat gesagt…

hey, no it doesnt!

God can give us different callings in life, but that doesnt mean we couldnt be together, honey!

there are tons of christians who are working in different mission fields!

all we need to walk a joined journey is GOD.. if we both have God in our life then it means we ARE walking in same direction.

Of course it would be perfect if God puts same stuff on our hearts. And I think we DO have lots of stuff in common.

ordi hat gesagt…

@regina & ilona: da geb ich euch zu 100% recht! so war das niiiiie gedacht! :(( aber hey, 1000 dank für eure gebete!!!

@tuuli: i agree, and i dont think we have to have the same calling or the same mission field, but shouldnt we go to the same AREA of the world together, if we want to stay together? if you are called to go to china and i'm heading to indonesia, that would be a BIG problem! :( i have to know if you'd go where I'm going! no matter if you do something else there! or are called to a different type of ministry (or no ministry at all!) .. but would you go where i'm going? i can't commute to china!! :(

let's pleeeeeease NOT use this blog for this type of discussion anymore... please email me.. i miss you, princess! :(

Tom G hat gesagt…

To be honest Ordi, the opinions about tattoos and piercings are wide spread. And until now, no one was able to give me a biblical / godly reason why people shouldn't have such things. There is one bible verse that people who are against these things quote very often. And then there are a few cheesy christian fairy tales about these piercings. But that's basicly it.
I don't really understand your problem Ordi. I understand that you're hurt, because you have communicated the problem you'd have if your girlfriend would get a tattoo and she has done it anyway. That wasn't very nice and I do appreciate your feelings about it. But why do you exaggerate the whole issue so much? What is it with this particular group of people that you think God sends you to? What sort of issue do they have with tattoos and piercings? And don't you think, they should learn to accept someone, who doesn't look the way they want people to look like? I never really understood the talking about being "a testimony" with your outward look. I do follow the thoughts about not dressing too crazy, too sexy and stuff. But some things go a bit over the top in the christian mind sets in my personal humble opinion.

Well anyway, just something I was thinking about.

Praying for the two of you.


ordi hat gesagt…

hey tom!
thanks for the comment, but you're missing the point: we're NOT talking about christians here! it's a MISSION field we're talking about, NOT a ministry field! im trying to reach out to extreme youth who DO change once they become christians.. ive BEEN there, ive DONE that.. we're talking about a different culture AND a different subculture.. we're not talking about the post-modern "everything is ok" crap we have in europe.. europe is NOT my mission field! the christians down there dont even worry about tattoos or piercings as much.. the NON-Christians do! and that's why it's such a HUGE problem! :( but again: this is NOT the place to discuss it.. it's a very long story that went before and after this post, so... let's just not argue about it. - again - we're talking about non-christians.. not the christian mindset.. the latter wouldnt mind!

i really do appreciate your prayers, though! thanks bro!