Dienstag, 24. Januar 2006

as far as the east is from the west..

hey... ich hab der sarah fox heute ne mail geschrieben, in der ich ihr darüber erzählt habe, was mir neulich im 11. stock eines hochhauses passiert ist.. nämlich, dass ich ner ganz lieben freundin von Gottes Art der Vergebung erzählt habe und dabei auf dem balkon stand und dies an einem atemberaubenden schwarzen nachthimmel selbst erkennen konnte! da ich es nicht nochmal auf deutsch schreiben möchte, paste ich euch einfach den englischen text der email :)

just a real short note: here in germany the sky has really cleared up! it was dark and gloomy for weeks and weeks on end! but now its real pretty :) well... its freezing like crazy, but its a blue sunny day :D today i was really worried whether i would get my car ice-free before freezing to the ground... i felt like becoming the first victim of this years winter, headlining the newspapers with the punch line:
26 year old guy froze to the ground while trying to un-ice his car..
the guy couldnt get out of his shoe's in time and froze to the road.. more ice-victims expected..

did you see the sky yesterday? well, at least in germany it was amazing.. no clouds, and thus the sunset was pretty amazing: ALL shades of rainbow colors covered the entire horizon! it took quite a while for the sun to go down (which is not very common at this time of the year).. and then the sky was pitch black.. it was amazing! i was heading home and when i got out of the car i was just amazed by the deep black sky with those billions and billions of stars up there! in staufenberg (where i live) im somewhat far away from giessen, so the city lights dont glare too much into the sky.. thus the sky was very clear and open for breath-taking views! :))) how AMAZING God is, isnt it?!?

you know what? the day before yesterday i was standing on a balcony of a friends house on the 11th (or 12th?) floor and i was just so amazed.. you could see for miles and miles and miles.. and the sky was clear as well.. and i told her (for she was kinda struggeling with the certainty of being saved) that God said in the Bible, that He would cast away our sins from us, as far as the east is from the west.. and looking at the stars, which are BILLIONS of LIGHT-YEARS away (meaning that the light we see has been emitted by those stars billions of years ago before it reached us!), it also means that from the very left star we see to the very right star, THIS distance is how far he removed our sins! its SO amazing to just picture this!

dont we have an amazing and breath taking God? who not only made all of us very individually, but also made every little grain of sand on each and every beach? who put every atom of every grain of dirt in the ground at its spot? who knows every micrometer of each straw of gras all over the earth? and when it snows down, he didnt just create a bunch of ice-bits, but made EVERY SINGLE snowflake TOTALLY individual! it just leaves me breathless! speechless! how awesome and WOW our God is!! how can people possibly not believe in this awesome creator or life?!? it just doesnt seem to make any sense!! if only they could see the creator.. if only they stopped taking his miracles for granted :( they are missing out on SOOO much!!!

auf die einzigartigkeit der schneeflocken hat mich eben dieses besagte mädchen hingewiesen! ich fand diese echt hamme beeindruckende tatsache und die erkenntnis über Gott selbst in sowas kleinem wie einer schneeflocke wirklich faszinierend! dafür möchte ich mich an dieser stelle herzlich bei diesem mädel bedanken! es ist toll dich zu kennen! :)

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